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           The purpose of our Brand is to encourage people to be able get physically and spiritually more in touch with themselves and our mission is to show that if we can beauty ourselves using nature's elements and creations on the outside, we can also use its powers to cure ourselves on the inside, and to accomplish a mindset which we treat ourselves with love, others with kindness, and nature with respect. 




We are an eco-friendly company in the means that we want to keep our natural resources beautiful and plentiful. We are a company that believes in the power of nature and make use of that to our own self discovery.


​In Agua Tala we aspire our packages to be the least harmful to our environment as possible. The materials that we use are recycled and biodegradable. We’ll be always looking out for new bio-intelligent artifacts to implement your experience and our responsibility with the earth. 



Donation basis: 


Like mentioned above, our mission is to have love, kindness and respect towards all  our surroundings, and this is why  8%  of all profit of sales is divided between three charities close to our hearts.

Two of them being for environmental causes. The third one for is children in need of care in Brazil.

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